


Casting the Circle
Prose Blessing

Casting the Circle

Goddess Below
May your silver light flow
Toward me from your cauldron
Filling me with power divine
so that I might serve thee.

God Above
with perfect love
caress me with your golden light
filling me with power divine
so that I might serve thee.

Within me
Goddess and God unite
powers combined
so that I might do your bidding tonight.

In perfect love
In perfect trust
A circle is cast
in Silver and Gold
to protect us in this rite.
Nothing bane shall
pass through our
magical site.

As is above
It is below
The Circle Is Sealed.

So Mote It Be.

~Cerridwen StormCrow~

Prose Blessing

By Magick, Moondust, and Dreams
To the all encompassing Spirit
And the Muse of Prose
Lend me endless inspiration
To fill these pages
With the Mysteries
Of the soul…


Cerridwen StormCrow